Site perso : Emmanuel Branlard


3. Debian wheezy with xfce4

3.1 Important stuff to do

%- Check out my script SetupSyst for most modifications required
%- Check the policies (see my note on Policikit polkit-1 in this document)
%- set Network automount to false:  sudo vim /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/network.mount 
DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered.
fixed in:\

%? not tryied :
    Renaming /usr/share/gvfs/remote-volume-monitors/gdu.monitor to

%- or recompile source(what I've done): (
cd ~/Config/builds
mkdir thunar-nonetwork
cd thunar-nonetwork
apt-get source thunar
sudo apt-get build-dep thunar

Modify thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c and thunar-tree-model.c, and comment the two lines :

if (thunar_g_vfs_is_uri_scheme_supported ("network"))                                                         
    system_paths = g_list_append (system_paths, g_file_new_for_uri ("network://"));

sudo make install

%-purge exim4 (maybe use ssmtp instead, see gmail)
update-rc.d -f exim4 remove
update-rc.d atd remove
update-rc.d -f lpd remove
update-rc.d -f timidity remove
update-rc.d -f rsync remove
update-rc.d -f bootlogs remove
update-rc.d -f bootlogd remove
update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove
update-rc.d -f procps remove
update-rc.d -f stop-bootlogd-single remove
update-rc.d -f stop-bootlogd remove
update-rc.d -f rmnologin remove
update-rc.d -f rc.local remove
update-rc.d -f cups remove
update-rc.d -f networking remove
update-rc.d -f hddtemp remove
aptitude purge minissdpd

%- Modify inittab
comment the Ctrl-alt-del command, or leave it for 123
After doing the autologin, you have to allow anybody to run the x server
sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common

3.2 Rhythmbox problems

- build plugin remember the rhythm and install gir1.2-peas-1.0, and python-all wouldn't hurt 

- For cover art : install python-gi-cairo

Emmanuel Branlard